Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mickey Carroll

Mickey Carroll
ST LOUIS (AP) -- Mickey Carroll, one of the last surviving Munchkins from the beloved 1939 film ``The Wizard of Oz,'' died Thursday. He was 89. He suffered from heart problems and Buy mickey carroll, Entertainment Memorabilia on eBay. Find great deals on Books and get what you want now! ST. LOUIS â€" Mickey Carroll, one of the last surviving Munchkins from the 1939 beloved film "The Wizard of Oz," died Thursday. He was 89. His ca
Mickey Carroll
Mickey Carroll in City Hall on August 26, discussing David Paterson and Rudy Giuliani,
Mickey Carroll
I had the pleasure of meeting Mickey in Nashville at The Opryland Mall. He was autographing Wizard of Oz prints. We purchased one for our then, 4 year old daughter.
Mickey Carroll
Here’s Quinnipiac pollster Mickey Carroll in City Hall this morning, explaining the qualitative difference in the opposition to Michael Bloomberg's congestion pricing plan and Maurice "Mickey" Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, brings more than 40 years of experience as a political writer and columnist for New York and New Content related to Mickey Carroll from New York Daily News
Mickey Carroll
Mickey Carroll (July 8, 1919 â€" May 7, 2009) was an American actor and one of the last surviving munchkins from the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. Mickey Carroll in City Hall on August 26, discussing David Paterson and Rudy Giuliani, Mother J Productions, Inc. is a Not-for-Profit corporation committed to unity in the community through the arts.

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